Inside the doorway, a metre to the left, the bin sits on a small round table. The table stand has a semicircle on the floor and one post. The bin is a foot wide and tall. There's a slot centered on the top for putting masks in, and the side says Recycle Masks Here. The bin and table are against a glass wall and next to a bookshelf.

Mask recycling bin at the downtown library

The Central library branch downtown is hosting a mask recycling bin for Masks4Victoria. The bin is immediately inside the library entrance, to the left. When the bin gets full the library will be reordering it.

  • Central library address: 735 Broughton Street, Victoria BC
  • Library website:

Thanks for the tip, Jo!


One response to “Mask recycling bin at the downtown library”

  1. Update Jan 2025: the bin is full! It’s in the process of being replaced, but until then the recycling bin is unavailable. The bin has been replaced and is available again 🙂

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